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Reconnecting: What to Do When You Feel Disconnected from Your Partner ♥️

In the journey of marriage, there are moments when we might find ourselves feeling disconnected from our partner. It's a common experience, but it can be disheartening and even worrying. However, it's important to remember that feeling disconnected doesn't mean the end of love or intimacy. Rather, it's an opportunity for growth and reconnection. In this blog post, we'll explore some practical steps you can take to bridge the gap and strengthen the bond with your partner.

Acknowledge Your Feelings

The first step towards reconnecting with your spouse is acknowledging your feelings of disconnection. It's okay to feel this way, and it's essential to recognize and validate your emotions. Take some time to reflect on what might be causing the disconnect and how it's impacting you and your relationship.

Communicate Openly and Honestly

Effective communication is key to rebuilding connection in any relationship. Sit down with your partner and have an open, honest conversation about how you've been feeling. Share your thoughts, concerns, and desires without blame or judgment. Remember to listen actively to your partner's perspective as well. This mutual exchange can foster understanding and empathy between you both.

Prioritize Quality Time Together

Life can get busy, and sometimes we neglect to spend quality time with our spouse. Make a conscious effort to prioritize one-on-one time together regularly. It doesn't have to be extravagant – even simple activities like cooking together, going for a walk, or enjoying a movie night can help strengthen your bond.

Revisit Shared Goals and Dreams

Reflecting on your shared goals and dreams can reignite the sense of unity and purpose in your relationship. Take some time to revisit your aspirations as a couple and discuss how you can work together to achieve them. This collaborative effort can help you feel more connected and aligned with each other's visions for the future.

Practice Gratitude and Appreciation

Expressing gratitude and appreciation towards your partner can foster feelings of connection and warmth. Make it a habit to acknowledge and thank your partner for the little things they do. Show appreciation for their efforts, qualities, and presence in your life. Small gestures of kindness and affirmation can go a long way in strengthening your emotional connection.

Seek Professional Help if Needed

If you're struggling to reconnect with your partner despite your efforts, don't hesitate to seek professional help. Marriage counseling or therapy can provide a supportive environment for addressing underlying issues, improving communication skills, and rebuilding intimacy. A trained therapist can offer guidance and tools tailored to your specific needs and concerns.


Feeling disconnected from your partner is a common challenge in marriage, but it doesn't have to define the future of your relationship. By acknowledging your feelings, communicating openly, prioritizing quality time, revisiting shared goals, practicing gratitude, and seeking professional help if needed, you can take proactive steps toward rekindling the connection with your partner. Remember, relationships require effort and commitment, but the rewards of a strong and thriving bond are immeasurable.

As always, if I can be helpful in any way- please reach out! If I’m not a perfect fit, I’m happy to help find a referral for you. All of my contact information can be found, here. ♥️

Navigating the Season: Managing Stress and Prioritizing Self-Care

The holiday season is a time to celebrate and connect with loved ones, but it can also be a source of stress. By recognizing the common sources of holiday stress and implementing self-care strategies, you can find balance and joy during this time of year. Remember that taking care of yourself is not selfish; it's a necessary component of making the holiday season truly special. So, be kind to yourself, prioritize self-care, and savor the moments that matter most.

The Dark Side of Wellness Culture: Unraveling Its Impact on Mental Health

Wellness culture has seen a surge in popularity in recent years, promoting various self-care practices, fitness routines, and dietary trends. While the intention behind wellness culture is to enhance overall well-being, it's crucial to acknowledge the potentially harmful effects it can have on mental health. In this blog, I explore the darker aspects of wellness culture and how it can negatively impact our mental well-being.

  • The Pressure to Optimize Every Aspect of Life

Wellness culture often propagates the notion that we must optimize every aspect of our lives, including diet, exercise, productivity, and self-care routines. This relentless pursuit of perfection can create immense pressure, leading to feelings of inadequacy and anxiety. The constant comparison to curated images of 'ideal' lifestyles on social media can further exacerbate these feelings.

  • Reinforcement of Unrealistic Body Standards

In the quest for a 'perfect' body, wellness culture can perpetuate unrealistic body standards. Messages of 'clean eating' and 'fit' bodies may inadvertently contribute to body dissatisfaction and low self-esteem. This can lead to disordered eating patterns, body dysmorphia, and a negative impact on mental health.

  • Promotion of Pseudo-Scientific Claims

Wellness culture often promotes a wide range of health and wellness products and practices, some of which lack scientific evidence. While some practices may offer genuine benefits, others may make exaggerated claims that can mislead individuals seeking genuine solutions for their mental health concerns. This can lead to disappointment, frustration, and a sense of hopelessness.

  • Toxic Positivity and Disregard for Authentic Emotions

The pressure to maintain a positive outlook at all times is another harmful aspect of wellness culture. Toxic positivity, which dismisses or trivializes genuine negative emotions, can be detrimental to mental health. It discourages individuals from acknowledging and processing their emotions, leading to emotional repression and increased stress.

  • Financial Strain and Consumerism

The commodification of wellness can lead to a culture of consumerism, where people feel compelled to invest heavily in various wellness products, treatments, and experiences. The financial strain of continuously seeking and purchasing these products can cause stress and anxiety, particularly when the promised benefits fail to materialize.

  • Creation of an Identity Tied to Wellness

For some individuals, wellness culture can become all-encompassing, leading them to define their entire identity around their pursuit of health and self-improvement. This can lead to an unbalanced lifestyle and a constant sense of inadequacy if they feel they are not meeting the ever-changing standards set by the wellness community.

While wellness culture can offer valuable tools for self-care and improved health, it's essential to approach it with a critical lens. Acknowledging the potentially harmful effects on mental health is vital to ensure a more balanced and mindful approach to well-being. As individuals, we should strive to embrace self-compassion, prioritize our mental health, and be cautious of falling into the traps of unrealistic expectations and toxic positivity. By promoting a more holistic understanding of wellness, we can create a healthier and more sustainable culture that uplifts and supports everyone's mental well-being.

Going Separate Ways

A separation or divorce is a highly stressful and emotional experience for everyone involved, but children often feel that their whole world has turned upside down. Kids may feel shocked, uncertain, or angry. Some may even feel guilty, blaming themselves for the problems at home. Divorce is never a seamless process and, inevitably, such a transitional time doesn’t happen without some measure of grief and hardship. But you can dramatically reduce your children’s pain by making their well-being your top priority.

Your patience, reassurance, and listening ear can minimize tension as your children learn to cope with unfamiliar circumstances. By providing routines your kids can rely on, you remind them that they can count on you for stability, structure, and care. And by maintaining a working relationship with your ex, you can help your kids avoid the stress and anguish that comes with watching parents in conflict. With your support, your kids can not only successfully navigate this unsettling time, but even emerge from it feeling loved, confident, and strong—and even with a closer bond to both parents.

How to talk to kids about divorce

When it comes to telling your kids about your divorce, many parents freeze up. Make the conversation a little easier on both yourself and your children by preparing what you’re going to say before you sit down to talk. If you can anticipate tough questions, deal with your own anxieties ahead of time, and plan carefully what you’ll be telling them, you will be better equipped to help your children handle the news.

What to say and how to say it

Difficult as it may be, try to strike an empathetic tone and address the most important points right up front. Give your children the benefit of an honest—but kid-friendly—explanation.

Tell the truth. Your kids are entitled to know why you are getting a divorce, but long-winded reasons may only confuse them. Pick something simple and honest, like “We can’t get along anymore.” You may need to remind your children that while sometimes parents and kids don’t always get along, parents and kids don’t stop loving each other or get divorced from each other.

Say “I love you.” However simple it may sound, letting your children know that your love for them hasn’t changed is a powerful message. Tell them you’ll still be caring for them in every way, from fixing their breakfast to helping them with homework.

Address changes. Preempt your kids’ questions about changes in their lives by acknowledging that some things will be different, and other things won’t. Let them know that together you can deal with each detail as you go.

Avoid blaming

It’s vital to be honest with your kids, but without being critical of your spouse. This can be especially difficult when there have been hurtful events, such as infidelity, but with a little diplomacy, you can avoid playing the blame game.

Present a united front. As much as you can, try to agree in advance on an explanation for your separation or divorce—and stick to it.

Plan your conversations. Make plans to talk with your children before any changes in the living arrangements occur. And plan to talk when your spouse is present, if possible.

Show restraint. Be respectful of your spouse when giving the reasons for the separation.

How much information should I give my child about the divorce?

Especially at the beginning of your separation or divorce, you’ll need to pick and choose how much to tell your children. Think carefully about how certain information will affect them.

  • Be age-aware. In general, younger children need less detail and will do better with a simple explanation, while older kids may need more information.

  • Share logistical information. Do tell kids about changes in their living arrangements, school, or activities, but don’t overwhelm them with the details.

  • Keep it real. No matter how much or how little you decide to tell your kids, remember that the information should be truthful above all else.

Was this information helpful? I would love to hear from you! Please don’t hesitate to reach out. All of my contact information can be found here.

The Importance of Boundaries

Setting boundaries is an important part of establishing one’s identity and is a crucial aspect of mental health and well-being.
Boundaries can be physical or emotional, and they can range from being loose to rigid, with healthy boundaries often falling somewhere in between.
— Shelby Castile, LMFT

From time to time, and especially as of late; we all get the dreaded feeling that there just isn’t enough time to do everything we need to do, let alone squeeze in a few of the things we want to do. Between demands on our time from work, kids, kids’ events, spouses, and countless other activities that vie for our attention, it is easy to get so bogged down to the point where you feel overwhelmed to the point of drowning. Part of it is surely our culture. After all, we live in a society where the appropriate response to “How’s it going?” is “Oh, I am so busy.” So many people wear it as a badge of honor sometimes, but at what cost? In this post, we’ll explore a few ideas that can help you take back control of your life and your time and hopefully return some of your sanity back, too!

Set Boundaries

It sounds simple, but it is easier said than done. What sort of boundaries am I talking about? Here, I’m referring to personal boundaries; the ones that are often hardest to bring up but that have a significant impact on your mental health and well-being.

For example, do you hate attending holiday functions with your family, because someone always brings up how impressive and accomplished one of your siblings is? Or perhaps someone in the family leaves you feeling guilty that you don’t visit as much as you used to. Any variation of these can leave us feeling depressed and despondent. However, there is a way to overcome those anxieties: set boundaries.

Whether it is the dreaded family holiday get-together or something else entirely that you dread doing, try and level-set with whomever you’re visiting and tell them what is and is not okay tobring up, talk about, or share while you’re there. These are difficult conversations to have, especially with loved ones (the same rules apply for workplace functions, too), but until you express your feelings, no one may know their behavior is negatively affecting you.

Self-awareness is a major aspect of setting boundaries. After all, in order to set them, you need to know what they are. When you have clearly communicated your boundaries to those who need to be made aware, that is just the first step. If someone violates your boundaries after you’ve set them, it is equally as important to be assertive and let them know how their actions are affecting you. Whenever possible, seek the support and guidance of others whom you respect and can count on to be there for you.

Make Healthy Choices

Healthy minds and healthy bodies are key ingredients to regaining control in your life. With all of the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, though, it can be difficult to find time to head to the gym or take time to just focus on your thoughts without distraction. However, achieving a healthy mind and body doesn’t require giant time commitments, and the results will serve you well all year long.

Moving our bodies in deliberate, thoughtful ways helps connect our bodies to our minds. One great way to do this is through practicing yoga. Yoga includes physical movement, breathing exercises, and promotes an awareness of Self that other workouts simply don’t give you. By bridging the physical to the emotional and even spiritual, yoga allows your body to relax and move while calming your mind and putting you back in the driver’s seat and regaining control.

Mindfulness is another great way to regain control and balance in your life. It is also very much in line with the practice of yoga. There are a lot of great benefits associated with mindfulness, namely the ability to become fully present, aware of ourselves and our surroundings, and become more reflective and less reactive to the world around us. You can incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine in a number of ways. One of the easiest ways to start is to focus on your breathing. Since breathing is so integral to everything in our lives, deliberate concentration on breathing in and out can put your mind and body at ease, leaving you with a feeling of more control in your daily life.  Breathing is just one exercise of many, so this appeals to you, I encourage you to further your research and find more mindfulness routines that suit you.

Don’t Try to Change Everything at Once

Old habits die hard, and breaking out of them is difficult to say the least. Generally speaking, research suggests that it takes about 21 days of consistent patterns and action for something to become habit. That’s why it is so important for us to be mindful about how we’re adopting these changes into our life.

If the goal is for us to feel less stressed and less overwhelmed, what sense is there in trying to fix everything at once? That sounds stressful!

So, be mindful about creating boundaries, eating right, and getting exercise. These changes don’t have to be enormous, either. If you’re looking for an easy addition to your daily routine that is incredibly helpful, try simple breathing exercises.

Whenever you feel overwhelmed or stressed, try to pinpoint what specific things in your life that are the source of the stress. Then, close your eyes and simply focus on your breathing: Gentle inhale through your nostrils, gentle exhale through your mouth. Repeat. In. And out. In. And out. 

When you complete this exercise, your head will be in a much better place to approach your stresses rationally and head on. You’ll be amazed at how satisfying regaining control with a few simple breathing exercises can be.

I would love to hear from you! What do you do in your daily life to help reduce stress and not feel incredibly overwhelmed all the time?