inspire healthy eating habits

Refresh + Rejuvenate

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Spring is just around the corner and Daylight Savings will be here before you know it! Spring is a time of rebirth, renewal, and a perfect time to get “out with the old and in with the new!” This year, think BIG with Spring Cleaning: it doesn’t just refer to cleaning up a home (though we’ll touch on that, too.)

Daylight Savings Time

After the short days and dark nights of winter, Spring is always a welcome respite, because it not only gives us longer days, but it reminds us that warmer summer months are just around the corner. (Personally, my favorite time of the year!)

When Daylight Savings hits this year, what are you going to do with those few precious, extra hours of daylight? This year, challenge yourself to spend that time wisely. Whether you’ve been meaning to pick up a new hobby, rekindle old friendships, or read more and Netflix less, Daylight Savings is an excellent time of year to start something new.

If you’ve been wanting to get more exercise, take time this spring to start walking around the block or going for a quick hike after work. The fresh air, new smells, and budding flowers are an excellent reminder that spring is here...and you’ll be reinvigorated with that spring energy!

Spring Cleaning

For some people “spring cleaning” is reminiscent of moving decrepit old cardboard boxes out of your garage or cleaning grime in the bathroom...not exactly appealing images! But this year, in addition to some cleaning up around the house consider a few other areas of your life that could use a good “refresh!”

Around the House

Cleaning the house doesn’t have to be seen as a chore. Believe it or not, it can be fun. Really. After you’ve cleaned up a room, take a step back and consider rearranging the furniture. If it has been a few years since you last reorganized your living room, for example, see what happens if you swap the sofa and loveseats, face the area rug in another direction, or just change a few of the pictures hanging from the walls. You’ll be amazed how quickly your rooms feel clean and fresh, with a new vibrancy and sense of life.

Spring Cleaning in Your Day-to-Day

Take advantage of the spring cleaning frenzy and think about what areas of your day-to-day life could be improved, and how you can improve them.

Perhaps there are a few relationships in your life that are a bit toxic or not very healthy. Think about how you can reduce the amount of time spent with these people and how not being around their negativity will enhance your mood and make your days even better. You don’t have to ignore them, but you can think of creative ways to slowly reduce the amount of time you’re spending with them.

Spring is also a great time to ensure you’re eating well. With gardens being planted and early blooms popping through the soil, let the rejuvenated life inspire healthy eating habits. Spring also marks the return of many farmers markets, so look for local event calendars where you live to find one near you.

Let Spring Spring!

No matter how you decide to spend those few extra hours of daylight or whatever you decide to “clean” this spring, do so with intention. The more you reflect and act on things that will improve you, the better off your whole year will be. Set goals, take small steps, and always be kind to yourself. Happy Spring everyone!